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नये ब्लड टेस्ट से टीबी का आसानी से पता चलेगा

undefined New Delhi, Apr 10 (ANI): Scientists have found a new blood test that could predict the onset of Tuberculosis (TB) up to two years in advance. A blood test that predicts the development of TB without putting large numbers of lower-risk people through unnecessary preventative treatment is not currently available. Researchers from an international […]


New Delhi, Apr 10 (ANI): Scientists have found a new blood test that could predict the onset of Tuberculosis (TB) up to two years in advance. A blood test that predicts the development of TB without putting large numbers of lower-risk people through unnecessary preventative treatment is not currently available. Researchers from an international research consortium reported that they developed and validated a blood test that measures the expression levels of four genes that can more accurately predict the development of TB in high-risk patients in Sub-Saharan Africa. The research is published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

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