19.1 C



ये पश्चिमी आहार शरीर में पाचन को ठीक करते हैं और पोषक तत्वों से युक्‍त भी है

undefined New Delhi, Apr 28 (ANI): Turns out, various western diets could help fine-tune digestion and nutrient absorption. According to a study conducted by the Midwestern University, Western diets, which are high in fat and simple sugar, promote the growth of bacteria in the small intestine that increases fat digestion and absorption. The goals of […]

New Delhi, Apr 28 (ANI): Turns out, various western diets could help fine-tune digestion and nutrient absorption. According to a study conducted by the Midwestern University, Western diets, which are high in fat and simple sugar, promote the growth of bacteria in the small intestine that increases fat digestion and absorption. The goals of the study were to determine if microbes were required for digestion and absorption of fats, to begin to learn which microbes were involved and to assess the role of diet-induced microbes on the digestion and uptake of fats.

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